Saturday, 22 July 2006

Ready to fly

Our last day in Oslo before holidays, well Maud and Silje have had one long holiday since Easter, but anyway, also my first full day together with Maud since, well ages ago.
Spent lunchtime in the park.

Maud asked me what it was going to be like flying tomorrow.
So i gave her a short simulation flight, which she seemed to quite enjoy.
Now i really don't believe it is going to be anything like that, is it now Dad?
Just think, tomorrow i'll be up there flying to see Grandma....Yipeee.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that because Maud is so good at sleeping, smiling, laughing, looking cute for the camera and generally being all round adorable... going on a bit of a flight should be a breeze! Good luck and happy holidays! Uncle Tim xx