Decided to go to the plumbing shop where i bought the tap instead of the DIY store, i say DIY store but it's really what i would call a 'lifestyle' shop. Sure they have all the bits a pieces i need, real hardware stuff, screws, big bits of wood, tools etc etc.... but they also have things like towels and fragrenced candles which really don't belong in a DIY store, if you want to buy towels you go to Debenhams or somewhere. Anyhow went to the plumbing shop (this also verges on a lifestyle shop) and got the bits i needed to connect the tap, not much to look at really but very important bits. Cost: 60 kroner!

Spent the next hour or so positioning the tap, cutting pipes and screwing it all together, OK so far so good but i didn't dare turn on the stop valve before i had the waste pipe fitted..

Now the person who invented this deserves an award, what a fantastic piece of kit, designed to fit all the sinks IKEA sell so it is all kind of telescopic, fitted in 15 minutes and looks good and compact. Genius. I'll get a picture later so you can compare before and after 'under sink' layouts.

A long time since i've been so nervous as i was when i turned the two stop valves under the sink...but no need to worry everything was OK. Pheeeewww
Never been so excited to see water coming out of a tap before either, i was really quite giddy.

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