Wednesday 26 August 2009

Activity day

A super busy day encompassing:
A pre work motorcycle lesson for me, oh yes mid life crisis Harley here we come, i'm hardly awake at 7 in the morning but it's the only time i can fit it in, poured with rain which made it all the more interesting for my debut.
Henny's first day, well few hours but it's a start, at nursery.
Maud's group moved into their new building today, a fully revamped former office.
After nursery activities today too as Henny restarted swimming lessons and Maud took her first steps to super stardom by joining in at a child singing group.

So Henny gets to see what the big deal is with this nursery place and starts tidying the toys...

followed by a quick tasting session, important to pick up as many foreign bacteria as possible on your first day,
mmmmmmmmmm snotty nose here we come.

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Sunday 23 August 2009

Wheels and legs

Both Maud and Henny on the move this weekend, Saturday morning i took Maud to the shops to buy a bike, only one with pink handlebar grips would do, and luckily we managed to find just the bike. Unusually for the usually super cautious Maud it didn't take her long to get in the swing of things and was soon risking life and limb charging up and down the tarmac.

In the afternoon Maud had to pack away her crash helmet as i had managed to wangle two free tickets to the circus. Safely seated with a good unobstructed view, but sufficiently far enough away to ensure that there would be no chance of spectator participation in proceedings, we were entertained by all you would imagine a circus would have to offer. Maud was impressed enough to want to go back on sunday too.

Henny too is getting bolder and is now able to stand unaided, well at least until she realises what she 's doing and her knees give way with surprise.

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Tuesday 11 August 2009

Summer Holiday 2009

Bit of a look back in time to see what we got up to on our summer hols, this will only be a scratch on the surface obviously, 4 weeks and 1000 photos, not gonna post em all.
Started the hols, which would include 4 birthdays and a wedding packed in along the way by getting Martinus and family to joins the first week which included a trip to the zoo. Lets go.

The first day of holidays a glorious sunshine can't ask for more than that.

Mork and Mindy.

Cheeky monkey.

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Henny perfects her new favourite sleeping position.

There would be plenty of al fresco eating during our hols seafood and cake featured heavily on the menu, but not at the same time, obviously.

and here we have a historic photo for a couple of reasons, Maud daring to touch a living creature without freaking out and this is one of the very last pictures to be taken with this camera, a few minutes later said camera would be found hiding in the rock pool along with the very crab it had just snapped. Doh... I managed to save the memory card but salt water and electronics don't really mix so well. Bah.

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Whos been feeding the baby ice cream?

Even Maud couldn't resist a kitten

Henny returns her food to sender.

and yes the obligatory small child in sunglasses shot.

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Henrik was a bit fan of Hennys and henny a fan of his, together they clapped but not always in time. ah well.

Maud got to drive uncle Abrahams digger, can you see her concentrating?

Henny got stuffed into all kinds of new gear to keep her from the enemy that is water. Hooded push chair cover is a blast from the past.

buoyancy aid that must be the most frustrating garment on earth when you have short arms as your hands no longer meet in the middle.

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Henny got her first pair of shoes and a pair of wellies

Maud eating her supper.

and so it was time to leave the kids behind for the weekend and drive to Kragerø for Solveig and Magnus' wedding.

Silje and her Victoria Beckham pose.

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Bit of a reunion for Maud and Kristiana who moved back down south to Hidra a while ago.

Henny found something she liked to play on and pulled wheelies all round the garden.

Maud uses her newly discovered jumping skills to the full and manages to land without breaking anything too.

bit of a break for a slide...

and then back to more jumping.

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Maud went to the bank and deposited her life savings, which quite mysteriously keeps growing all by itself down there in Ff. Magic.

Wherever Henny was Nora wasn't far away and wherever Nora was Maud wasn't far away. Maud things that her big cousin Nora is most probably one of the coolest people in the world.

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THERE'S MORE click on 'older posts'


Double trouble.

We had rain too, didn't seem to dampen the spirits too much tho.

Birthday nr 3 was Morfar Egils 60th, the ultimate seafood and cake fest.

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Mormor and Morfar very kindly raided their piggy bank and bought a trampoline for the summer house, which of course gave pleasure to kids of all ages.

Maud reads the safety instructions before commencing.

and then proceeds to bounce and fall herself in oblivion.

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