I haven't decided which cooker extractor hood we are going to have yet, so i took and hour out in the middle of the day to see what i could find out, this was also an excuse to alleviate my growing unrest about THAT wall. So after some quick internet reasearch i find out that Siemens and Miele have good kitchen vetilators, could i find a stockist in Oslo for either of these makes?....nope. So i phoned Miele and spoke to an extremely customer orientated lady who said she would phone me back after she had found out exactly who stocked them in the Oslo area. OK, cool i thought, i'll give her an hour or so.....no more than 2 minutes later she phone me back and told me EVERYTHING i needed to know. Now that is what i call customer service and it really makes me want to buy their product too. I phoned said stockist, who happen to be a kitchen supplier, and asked them if they had a display model i could come and look at, yes they had.... come on down. Can i come tomorrow (saturday) i enquired......No we're shut on saturdays....Hæ? ...OK so what time do you close today....16:00 Hæ...?...... and the kitchen sellers wonder why IKEA get 90% of all the kitchen business in Norway.
This makes me laugh too, all the house style programs you see on TV always say just pop down to your local hardware shop / glazier / wood stockist and they will be only too happy to discuss you special requirements and help you out....Pah.
I want to get the last two pieces of worktop cut with a nice neat edge and as i really don't have the right tool for the job (circular saw) i decided to phone my local wood stockist to see if they could help...yeah right...phoned three and none of them were interested as i wasn't buying the worktop from them, not even when i said that i was more than willing to pay them to cut it!!! Customer service at it's best.

Looks like these cupboards are going to have to do without worktops then.

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