This was due to the following things.
The clips to hold the sink in place caught on the edge of the cut out in the worktop, a few swishes with the jigsaw and this was OK.
Once the sink was attached to the worktop which took an absolute age for no apparent reason it was offered up to the cupboard unit....again the clips were in the way, this time the cupboard cross pieces, off with the worktop for about the billionth time and cut some bits out of the cupboard. Getting there, slowly.
OK now securing the worktop to the cupboard, easy you might think, would be if i had a 3mm drill bit, but i broke mine sometime in the dim distant past and never replaced it....aggggghhhh.
So off down the shop at 8pm to get a drill bit.
Back home, measure twice drill 6 times and secure the worktop.
One bomb proof, rock solid sink unit.
OK time to cut the hole for the tap....measure 10 squillion times, drill pilot hole, drill bolt hole, cut big hole....easy but time consuming.
I was going to plumb in the tap tonight too, but of course the last kitchen installers used non standard fittings, so the pipes that come out of the wall have fittings on the end that i can't connect no go there either. Puh.
So a trip to the DIY shop tomorrow, again, to see what fittings i can get hold of to suit.
Time is really ticking away fast now...if only i could get this sink unit finished the rest shouldn't be too bad.

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