2 whole weeks since my last blog update....ummm that'll be the real life back to work no time for much at all really thing, oh, and a computer melt down episode, which still isn't fully resolved. Pah.
So some light entertainment to ease ourselves back into the old routine.
Maud browsing in one of the books from her extensive library.
Lion cub and....
Ufff...better catch my breath ...chicklets are just toooo scary.
Hello, we are still here!
As always eagerly hoping and waiting for the next instalment if I&I.
Tip top episode as usual... Maud seems to just get cuter but now she has competition trying to muscle in on the act. Tim x
To Maud's Dad, stop with the excuses, back to work, looking after 3 babies so whats the problem!!!!!!!!!!!! Get blogging!!!!
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