Maud, Oskar and Martinus......
Having to look after these 3 children by myself in somebody elses flat for 6 hours and day 2 days a week is probably the biggest responsibility i have had in my entire life, looking after your own child can be scary enough but being trusted with 2 more....?
Still being a parent means that i'm more qualified to do this job than i am to do my other day job (hope my boss isn't reading this).
Luckily they are the best kids you could ever wish to meet, all roughly the same age (Maud is about 10 days younger than the boys) all completely different characters but all equally charming.
We were all a bit unsure about how it would work out when we started, and yes i'm talking about us parents here not the kids, but they have all settled into the new daily routine very well, playing, sleeping, eating and nappy changing is all accomplished without much fuss at all.
Well i think so anyway.
I'm telling you, we can tunnel out of here no problem.
Us..? up to something...never.
Ok, so no tunneling, maybe through the ventilation system then?
There's got to be a way out of here somewhere.
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