My incompetence, my irresponsibility, everyday ordinary stuff - but mostly - Maud, Henny and Brand.

Friday, 19 December 2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
have you seen this car...?
some sticky fingered little nit has stolen TFW.
Obviously some one who is a car connoisseur, but come on TFW ?!
full report here 'clicky'
whoever it was they'd better watch out as Henny is after them.
You just don't mess with someone who can stare as hard as this.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Jeezaloo and monkey stew.
Omphaloskepsis isn't as bad as it sounds although i have been suffering a severe case of it over the last month or so, maybe not in its truest form but more of a concentrate of lazyness and autumn fatigue. Yeah OK - Contemplating my navel if you must.
Hennyhow i'm here to make ammends, will a few Maud and Henny photos help to towards forgiveness for my I&I neglection? Good, but you'll have to wade through some text first.
So whats new in the last month....plenty let me tell ya.
Maud suddenly decided one Saturday in October that she no longer needed the security of nappies and that the use of said garments had to stop forthwith - and with that we were pretty much done. A couple of small mishaps in the following week were only to be expected but she has made the transition more gracefully than we could ever have hoped. Makes her bottom look smaller too.
We also took her for a belated 2½ year control - all the relevant tests done and boxes ticked we went home happy. Official weight 14.5kg - height 96cm.
Still jumping on and off the old carousel with regularity though, this week ailment is another cough and cold.
Henny, ahhh Henny. Sweetest little pixie in the world - good at eating, pooing, sleeping and talking, just recently discovered that she has hands at the end of her arms. Piling on the weight and now just past the 6kg mark.
Still waiting for her check up at back at the hospital, much to the irritation of the district nurse at the health station, but we've not seen any cause for concern and are more than happy with her thus far.
With our Christmas trip to Grandmas in Manchester fast approaching both Maud and Henny needed passports - so it was home photo studio time once again. Never ceases to entertain us.
Henny was much more serious about the whole process than Maud was when she was this age.

In the end it was all too much for Henny she just wanted to sleep.

Maud was much more composed this time around but it still didn't stop her from getting distracted a every now again though.

Still the passports dropped into our postbox a couple of days later and Henny could lay claim to her first post.
Omphaloskepsis isn't as bad as it sounds although i have been suffering a severe case of it over the last month or so, maybe not in its truest form but more of a concentrate of lazyness and autumn fatigue. Yeah OK - Contemplating my navel if you must.
Hennyhow i'm here to make ammends, will a few Maud and Henny photos help to towards forgiveness for my I&I neglection? Good, but you'll have to wade through some text first.
So whats new in the last month....plenty let me tell ya.
Maud suddenly decided one Saturday in October that she no longer needed the security of nappies and that the use of said garments had to stop forthwith - and with that we were pretty much done. A couple of small mishaps in the following week were only to be expected but she has made the transition more gracefully than we could ever have hoped. Makes her bottom look smaller too.
We also took her for a belated 2½ year control - all the relevant tests done and boxes ticked we went home happy. Official weight 14.5kg - height 96cm.
Still jumping on and off the old carousel with regularity though, this week ailment is another cough and cold.
Henny, ahhh Henny. Sweetest little pixie in the world - good at eating, pooing, sleeping and talking, just recently discovered that she has hands at the end of her arms. Piling on the weight and now just past the 6kg mark.
Still waiting for her check up at back at the hospital, much to the irritation of the district nurse at the health station, but we've not seen any cause for concern and are more than happy with her thus far.
With our Christmas trip to Grandmas in Manchester fast approaching both Maud and Henny needed passports - so it was home photo studio time once again. Never ceases to entertain us.
Henny was much more serious about the whole process than Maud was when she was this age.
In the end it was all too much for Henny she just wanted to sleep.
Maud was much more composed this time around but it still didn't stop her from getting distracted a every now again though.
Still the passports dropped into our postbox a couple of days later and Henny could lay claim to her first post.
G & T
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Away Days
Got some spare time on your hands, lucky you.
When Henny looks back at this blog in a few years time she'll probably wonder what happened. Mauds every move was documented for the first months of her life here on I&I - unfortunately time just doesn't allow for the same (baby) blanket coverage this time round. Henny is a cutie too tho so i must try to post what i have had time to capture on erm memory card.
We took a weeks holiday down to the deep south for Henny's Christening last week. 6 hour train trip went by without any hassle and despite our 2 cases and pram being loaded full we still had enough room for the carousel of sickness which has become such a firm favourite over the last few months. I stood and watched as the three of them 'enjoyed' themselves as usual. Two trips to the doctor (Silje 1 - 1 Maud) and one to A&E (Silje) is an impressive tally for a week away. Silje and Maud managed to find time for a hair cut too.
Maud enjoyed her time with her cousins and Henny was always a popular attraction for them.
Bit of a classic photo this one i feel. Henny doing her strong man impression, Maud with her delightful runny nose and as you can see Henrik discovered that catching a frisbee is more difficult that catching a ball. Uff. (and no it was nothing to do with me!)

Oldemor Henny meets Henny the baby.

Lobster season started 1st October so Trond and his uncle set out the lobster pots. I was with them one day to pull them up again and we netted one natty looking lobster. He wasn't looking quite so calm and collected a few minutes later when he had a boiling bubble bath - did turn a tasty shade of pink tho. Ouch.

We are soooooo lucky, lucky, lucky. Henny was the unlucky one with the start she got but she is as mild manned as her big sister, a good sleeper at nights, and likes a good cuddle - how lucky is that? Not one but two easy grow babies.
Since her homecoming she has piled on the weight and tipped the 5kg mark a week or so ago. We have been informed that we will be getting a check up appointment with the surgeon some time this month, i'm expecting him to be as pleased with his handy work as we are.

When Henny looks back at this blog in a few years time she'll probably wonder what happened. Mauds every move was documented for the first months of her life here on I&I - unfortunately time just doesn't allow for the same (baby) blanket coverage this time round. Henny is a cutie too tho so i must try to post what i have had time to capture on erm memory card.
We took a weeks holiday down to the deep south for Henny's Christening last week. 6 hour train trip went by without any hassle and despite our 2 cases and pram being loaded full we still had enough room for the carousel of sickness which has become such a firm favourite over the last few months. I stood and watched as the three of them 'enjoyed' themselves as usual. Two trips to the doctor (Silje 1 - 1 Maud) and one to A&E (Silje) is an impressive tally for a week away. Silje and Maud managed to find time for a hair cut too.
Maud enjoyed her time with her cousins and Henny was always a popular attraction for them.
Bit of a classic photo this one i feel. Henny doing her strong man impression, Maud with her delightful runny nose and as you can see Henrik discovered that catching a frisbee is more difficult that catching a ball. Uff. (and no it was nothing to do with me!)
Oldemor Henny meets Henny the baby.
Lobster season started 1st October so Trond and his uncle set out the lobster pots. I was with them one day to pull them up again and we netted one natty looking lobster. He wasn't looking quite so calm and collected a few minutes later when he had a boiling bubble bath - did turn a tasty shade of pink tho. Ouch.
We are soooooo lucky, lucky, lucky. Henny was the unlucky one with the start she got but she is as mild manned as her big sister, a good sleeper at nights, and likes a good cuddle - how lucky is that? Not one but two easy grow babies.
Since her homecoming she has piled on the weight and tipped the 5kg mark a week or so ago. We have been informed that we will be getting a check up appointment with the surgeon some time this month, i'm expecting him to be as pleased with his handy work as we are.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Imperfect perfection
Perfection with a slight imperfection.
Henny Helena Tjorteland Conibear
so we now have an MM and a (real) HH
Waddaya mean i'm scarred for life?

Well the carousel of sickness stopped turning, everybody jumped off and it went away to visit somebody else.
Then it came back and everybody jumped on again, - except me.
Henny picked up her first cold, most probably thanks to her older sister bringing it home from the infection pool that is nursery.
Not that Maud can be accused of wishing any harm to come to her newly arrived sibling, in fact quite the opposite, Maud is the best big sister ever. Fact.
Maud entertains, consoles, shares and looks after her sister and goes about life as if nothing has really changed at all.
Long may it continue
The Henny news besides the cold is all good, she is piling on the weight and at last check up was around 4800g.
Her recovery so far has been everything we could have hoped for and a bit more, she sleeps, eats, cries and does the other baby stuff just as if nothing had ever happened.

Maud still has time for the all important footy matches. Sadly the head in hands pose says it all, a defeat against the scousers is always hard to swallow.

Immensely proud, she's almost bursting.

Henny practices for her soon to be taken passport photo - watch this space.
Henny Helena Tjorteland Conibear
so we now have an MM and a (real) HH
Waddaya mean i'm scarred for life?
Well the carousel of sickness stopped turning, everybody jumped off and it went away to visit somebody else.
Then it came back and everybody jumped on again, - except me.
Henny picked up her first cold, most probably thanks to her older sister bringing it home from the infection pool that is nursery.
Not that Maud can be accused of wishing any harm to come to her newly arrived sibling, in fact quite the opposite, Maud is the best big sister ever. Fact.
Maud entertains, consoles, shares and looks after her sister and goes about life as if nothing has really changed at all.
Long may it continue
The Henny news besides the cold is all good, she is piling on the weight and at last check up was around 4800g.
Her recovery so far has been everything we could have hoped for and a bit more, she sleeps, eats, cries and does the other baby stuff just as if nothing had ever happened.
Maud still has time for the all important footy matches. Sadly the head in hands pose says it all, a defeat against the scousers is always hard to swallow.
Immensely proud, she's almost bursting.
Henny practices for her soon to be taken passport photo - watch this space.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
The carousel of sick(ness)
One child gets off the carousel of sickness and another jumps on. Is this the way it has to be? I'm tempted to rename this blog Illness & infirmity.
Looking forward to my first real day of paternity leave today as nursery was closed for a planning day yesterday so Maud was at the hospital with us for Henny's check up. So I delivered Maud to nursery and came home to get started doing a bit of a tidy up in the flat and then the plan was for the three remaining I&I crew to pop out for a spot of lunch. Just getting our togs on and nursery rings to inform us that Maud has a temperature. Rats.
Pick up the quite obviously ill Maud from nursery and write off the day as lost.
Maud never really has any great desire to sleep unless she absolutely has to so seeing her flake out in the living room is a thing that just doesn't happen. She must be ill.
In the end it was a bit of a Mr. Creosote moment, she hadn't eaten since breakfast so about 6 o'clock she decided she could manage a few small savouries, didn't take long before mount vomit was erupting. Rats again.
So no nursery for Maud tomorrow either. Kids eh.

The other former carousel of sickness rider was back at hospital yesterday to have her stitch removed be weighed and take a blood test.
All good news here. Henny reported an almost normal CRP of 7.5, meaning the bacterial infection she has had is almost gone and all other blood tests looked OK. She has gained weight too. The nurses were pleased to see her again especially since she is doing so well.

Mariann and Henny reaquainted in happier circumstances.

In these oh so environmentally focused times it's only right we should be proud to show off our contribution to saving the planet....hand-me-downs, ah yes Henny and Maud model the same outfit.

Looking forward to my first real day of paternity leave today as nursery was closed for a planning day yesterday so Maud was at the hospital with us for Henny's check up. So I delivered Maud to nursery and came home to get started doing a bit of a tidy up in the flat and then the plan was for the three remaining I&I crew to pop out for a spot of lunch. Just getting our togs on and nursery rings to inform us that Maud has a temperature. Rats.
Pick up the quite obviously ill Maud from nursery and write off the day as lost.
Maud never really has any great desire to sleep unless she absolutely has to so seeing her flake out in the living room is a thing that just doesn't happen. She must be ill.
In the end it was a bit of a Mr. Creosote moment, she hadn't eaten since breakfast so about 6 o'clock she decided she could manage a few small savouries, didn't take long before mount vomit was erupting. Rats again.
So no nursery for Maud tomorrow either. Kids eh.
The other former carousel of sickness rider was back at hospital yesterday to have her stitch removed be weighed and take a blood test.
All good news here. Henny reported an almost normal CRP of 7.5, meaning the bacterial infection she has had is almost gone and all other blood tests looked OK. She has gained weight too. The nurses were pleased to see her again especially since she is doing so well.
Mariann and Henny reaquainted in happier circumstances.
In these oh so environmentally focused times it's only right we should be proud to show off our contribution to saving the planet....hand-me-downs, ah yes Henny and Maud model the same outfit.
Sunday, 24 August 2008
Maud 2 - 1 Henny
Henny, like most babies, spends a huge amount of time sleeping. Most of the days since we arrived home she has slept on one of us, as after not being able to hold her properly for the first few weeks we now can't bear to put her down. We're going to create a monster, i can see it coming, a baby that won't sleep unless we are holding her, eeek - we need Henny addiction therapy.
Of course the time arrives when it's just not practical to hold her near, enter the second coming of 'the magic bag'. I&I veterans will remember it like it was yesterday. Possibly.
Doesn't seem to have lost it's powers of sleep inducement during it's two year hibernation either. Henny, just as her sister before her succumbs to its mysterious force just as readily.
The magic bag let us experience and enjoy a relatively pain free first major trip out to Oslo city centre as a family of four.
A leasurely stroll down town followed by some shopping (Henny necessary items only, naturally) followed by pizza, followed by a trudge up the hill home just to finish us off.
The magic bag doing it's stuff.

Maud, erm, recapturing her youth.

Wondering what the 2 - 1 title is all about?
Lucky the pizza place had, as my family would have it, nice facilities. Dirty nappy count goes in Mauds favour but Henny did pull out the old chestnut of weeing while in mid nappy change - rendering many items of clothing unwearable.
So a 2 - 2 might be more just.

Maud Marie 'i'm 2½ you know' Tjorteland Conibear

Of course the time arrives when it's just not practical to hold her near, enter the second coming of 'the magic bag'. I&I veterans will remember it like it was yesterday. Possibly.
Doesn't seem to have lost it's powers of sleep inducement during it's two year hibernation either. Henny, just as her sister before her succumbs to its mysterious force just as readily.
The magic bag let us experience and enjoy a relatively pain free first major trip out to Oslo city centre as a family of four.
A leasurely stroll down town followed by some shopping (Henny necessary items only, naturally) followed by pizza, followed by a trudge up the hill home just to finish us off.
The magic bag doing it's stuff.
Maud, erm, recapturing her youth.
Wondering what the 2 - 1 title is all about?
Lucky the pizza place had, as my family would have it, nice facilities. Dirty nappy count goes in Mauds favour but Henny did pull out the old chestnut of weeing while in mid nappy change - rendering many items of clothing unwearable.
So a 2 - 2 might be more just.
Maud Marie 'i'm 2½ you know' Tjorteland Conibear
Friday, 22 August 2008
Home is where the Henny is
Cha cha cha,
After a few days of being given day release from the ward Henny was finally allowed home - 25 long days after we first arrived.
Can't praise the staff at UllevÄl hospital enough - Newborn intensive - these people know their onions.
What they didn't know - they found out.
What they didn't really have time for - they made time for.
They didn't mind that I constantly stood in their way while cooing over my baby - they worked around me and did their job.
They made us feel like our child was the ONLY patient in the whole hospital.
They listened and heard our concerns.
They cared.
They saved Henny's life.
So we're home and not a moment too soon, still a little bit left before Henny is 100% but she is doing well.
She'll be back to the hospital on monday again for a blood test and quick check, just to make sure progress is being made.
'YAY, i'm going home.'

The first ride in TFW and she falls asleep - the seal of approval.

The first day of having double the amount of children to care for is an experience.
One eats, one lies on the table, we run about like headless chickens while they both demand different things.

Walking to the supermarket to buy our supplies, we haven't done much shopping over the last month.
After a few days of being given day release from the ward Henny was finally allowed home - 25 long days after we first arrived.
Can't praise the staff at UllevÄl hospital enough - Newborn intensive - these people know their onions.
What they didn't know - they found out.
What they didn't really have time for - they made time for.
They didn't mind that I constantly stood in their way while cooing over my baby - they worked around me and did their job.
They made us feel like our child was the ONLY patient in the whole hospital.
They listened and heard our concerns.
They cared.
They saved Henny's life.
So we're home and not a moment too soon, still a little bit left before Henny is 100% but she is doing well.
She'll be back to the hospital on monday again for a blood test and quick check, just to make sure progress is being made.
'YAY, i'm going home.'
The first ride in TFW and she falls asleep - the seal of approval.
The first day of having double the amount of children to care for is an experience.
One eats, one lies on the table, we run about like headless chickens while they both demand different things.
Walking to the supermarket to buy our supplies, we haven't done much shopping over the last month.
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