When Henny looks back at this blog in a few years time she'll probably wonder what happened. Mauds every move was documented for the first months of her life here on I&I - unfortunately time just doesn't allow for the same (baby) blanket coverage this time round. Henny is a cutie too tho so i must try to post what i have had time to capture on erm memory card.
We took a weeks holiday down to the deep south for Henny's Christening last week. 6 hour train trip went by without any hassle and despite our 2 cases and pram being loaded full we still had enough room for the carousel of sickness which has become such a firm favourite over the last few months. I stood and watched as the three of them 'enjoyed' themselves as usual. Two trips to the doctor (Silje 1 - 1 Maud) and one to A&E (Silje) is an impressive tally for a week away. Silje and Maud managed to find time for a hair cut too.
Maud enjoyed her time with her cousins and Henny was always a popular attraction for them.
Bit of a classic photo this one i feel. Henny doing her strong man impression, Maud with her delightful runny nose and as you can see Henrik discovered that catching a frisbee is more difficult that catching a ball. Uff. (and no it was nothing to do with me!)
Oldemor Henny meets Henny the baby.
Lobster season started 1st October so Trond and his uncle set out the lobster pots. I was with them one day to pull them up again and we netted one natty looking lobster. He wasn't looking quite so calm and collected a few minutes later when he had a boiling bubble bath - did turn a tasty shade of pink tho. Ouch.
We are soooooo lucky, lucky, lucky. Henny was the unlucky one with the start she got but she is as mild manned as her big sister, a good sleeper at nights, and likes a good cuddle - how lucky is that? Not one but two easy grow babies.
Since her homecoming she has piled on the weight and tipped the 5kg mark a week or so ago. We have been informed that we will be getting a check up appointment with the surgeon some time this month, i'm expecting him to be as pleased with his handy work as we are.
Jippi nye bilder på bloggen! Fordi om vi bor i samme by er jeg inne og sjekker flere ganger i uken om det har kommet noe nytt på bloggen, og nå hadde det det! de er så skjønne, savner Maud og Henny nå... Gleder meg til å se dere alle igjen snart!
klem fra tante
hahaha great photo!!
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