Omphaloskepsis isn't as bad as it sounds although i have been suffering a severe case of it over the last month or so, maybe not in its truest form but more of a concentrate of lazyness and autumn fatigue. Yeah OK - Contemplating my navel if you must.
Hennyhow i'm here to make ammends, will a few Maud and Henny photos help to towards forgiveness for my I&I neglection? Good, but you'll have to wade through some text first.
So whats new in the last month....plenty let me tell ya.
Maud suddenly decided one Saturday in October that she no longer needed the security of nappies and that the use of said garments had to stop forthwith - and with that we were pretty much done. A couple of small mishaps in the following week were only to be expected but she has made the transition more gracefully than we could ever have hoped. Makes her bottom look smaller too.
We also took her for a belated 2½ year control - all the relevant tests done and boxes ticked we went home happy. Official weight 14.5kg - height 96cm.
Still jumping on and off the old carousel with regularity though, this week ailment is another cough and cold.
Henny, ahhh Henny. Sweetest little pixie in the world - good at eating, pooing, sleeping and talking, just recently discovered that she has hands at the end of her arms. Piling on the weight and now just past the 6kg mark.
Still waiting for her check up at back at the hospital, much to the irritation of the district nurse at the health station, but we've not seen any cause for concern and are more than happy with her thus far.
With our Christmas trip to Grandmas in Manchester fast approaching both Maud and Henny needed passports - so it was home photo studio time once again. Never ceases to entertain us.
Henny was much more serious about the whole process than Maud was when she was this age.
In the end it was all too much for Henny she just wanted to sleep.
Maud was much more composed this time around but it still didn't stop her from getting distracted a every now again though.
Still the passports dropped into our postbox a couple of days later and Henny could lay claim to her first post.
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