- Fewer blog posts recently due to the fact that Maud no longer wishes to sleep much in the mornings anymore which in turn means less (no) time for me to do stuff i used to.
When she does sleep at home in her cot she insists on getting her head either under the duvet, under the cot edging (which i am reliably informed is called a bumper) or both.
I was going to tell you that there hasn't been too much news recently but it really is amazing how times change. In the beginning, so to speak, we were all amazed at the little things Maud could do, like smile or move her arms or something and i would bore you all with endless details on the blog. Fast forward almost a year and Maud can do loads of new stuff, like point to her own nose or ears or go and find her slippers when you ask her.
What once was super blog worthy news is becomming everyday life.
Sleeping how she likes it best.
Maud's collection of toys is growing rapidly and i was tired of a toy strewn living room. With her first birthday rapidly approaching too i can only see it expanding further so i invested some of my 'ahem' hard earned cash in some toy boxes which only just managed to swallow the toys she already has. Puh.
Maybe i'll buy her another one for her birthday. How lucky is she?
And here is Maud's new favourite expression *the frown*
This appears to have many uses for Maud including among others:
gimme more food
i don't want any more food
what are you talking about i don't understand
i understand but i'm not doing it
this is fun
The other news is that we are off to Amsterdam on Wednesday back on Saturday. Couldn't resist as we had some bonus points to use and Scandinavian airlines had some spcial offers on. I may be able to blog i may not we'll see.
decided to rent an apartment so we will be staying here

Frown or no frown she is still the cutest! Hope you have a good trip and will look forward to digesting the photos afterwards!
awww, how cute! Baby with attitude. Have a nice break.
anna x
hhmmm that face looks familiar..... A certain Auntie has a look quite like that one
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