It's been a busy blogging year which has proved to be a huge success in many countries.
Thanks for all your comments and feedback over the first year, if it wasn't for that i wouldn't bother.
Incompetence and Irresponsibility
313 Blog Posts
1000+ Photos / videos
137 Comments (thanks to you)
6051 Hits (average of 16 per day)
The passport series of photos back in May 2006 seemed to be a favourite for many people, so here is one more.
I cant thank you enough Matt for all your hard work over the last year. I feel like i truly know Maud through all the pics and video.(oh and its nice to see pics of you and Silje too)
Keep up the good work !!
Love S x
I second that emotion, and I know Mum will read this and be saying the same... SOOOO grateful for all your photos, videos and funny posts that so brilliantly bring it all together... simply brilliant!
Hope that blogger is now behaving and you can prepare for Year 2 of I&I
Uncle Tim x
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