Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Making music

This is what happens when all the 'musical' toys have the go button pressed at the same time and Maud adds percussion ...ahh sweet music.
Maud's musical timing is spot on, she looks a little unsure at the start but listen for the cymbal right at the end...masterful.

the terrible two

A baby who thinks she's a cat and a cat who thinks he's a baby, these two follow me around everywhere.
They have a habit of getting under my feet in the kitchen too.

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Keep on partying

Despite the fact that her birthday is now just a distant memory (4 days is a long time if your only 1) Maud insists on reliving the good times again and again. The tiara has to be worn at least a couple of times every day and the balloons have to be pulled, poked and tasted just as often.

These are the days Maud probably wishes Silje was home with her instead of me, fashion sense, i don't have any..... Pyjamas, cardigan, red slippers and a tiara......thanks dad, nice co-ordination.

The flat is all empty again now after the grandparent invasion over the weekend and it was a good job that Mormor and Morfar left on tuesday as the road they drove home was closed on Wednesday due to, yep you guessed it ...snow. So take heart all you English, even the Norwegians can't always overcome the weather.


So Maud is now all grown up, well one anyway, so time for a bit of real grown up eating, orange anybody?

Started getting a bit messy here so it was time to put the new birthday bib on and erm....well wave.

Monday, 19 February 2007

The blogging year

All was well with blogger for 364 days, i upgraded to new blogger (i had no choice) and everything turns to poop, but don't worry as Roy Castle used to say, “Dedication’s what you need” so i'll be knuckling down trying to solve the many blogger problems and keep you up to date with all things Maud, and maybe a bit about her teriffic parents too.

It's been a busy blogging year which has proved to be a huge success in many countries.
Thanks for all your comments and feedback over the first year, if it wasn't for that i wouldn't bother.

Incompetence and Irresponsibility

313 Blog Posts

1000+ Photos / videos

137 Comments (thanks to you)

6051 Hits (average of 16 per day)

The passport series of photos back in May 2006 seemed to be a favourite for many people, so here is one more.

Sunday, 18 February 2007


Well here it is the day has arrived Maud is 1 today.
(you don't know how much i have struggled to bring you these posts, i've had no internet connection for over two days ...this was a mega crisis, and then i have had to upgrade to the new version of blogger which has caused big problems when i wanted to publish pictures directly from picassa2.... don't be fooled by the date on the party posts they have been tweaked to appear as yesterdays) anyhow here she is, the birthday girl.

A busy day for her...

present opening,

tiara fixing

and driving her new car

24 hour party person

Maud and her best friend Kristiane hosted a joint 1st birthday bash and invited all their friends.
All their freinds took their parents along too.

Maud likes to be the in the centre when the party starts to warm up.

I think she is starting to look a bit tipsy here maybe all the drinking is taking its toll. (i should point out that it is her mother and grandma who are supervising at this point)

All the drinking does eventually catch up with her and she crashes out on the dancefloor

Saturday, 17 February 2007


Maud is revived using the balloon in the face trick

and is then led astray by one of the older boys at the party, im going to have to keep my eye on Jens at any future get togethers

all too soon it was time to go home. The Maisie mouse tiara had been a great success....

she even managed to wear it on top of her winter hat.

Posted by Picasa

Monday, 12 February 2007

Party animal

Not content with 3 days hard partying in the 'dam Maud arrives home and sets about celebrating Martinus and Oskar's 1st bithdays.

While we were away in Amsterdam the letter we had been expecting place at nursery for Maud....and we have to re-apply if we still want to take part in the next random draw for a place. Phuffff. So 3 weeks until i have to return to work and no place for little Maud ANYWHERE...time to put plan F into action.....all will be revealed soon. Posted by Picasa

Amsterdam tour 2007

Well waddaya know, a good time was had by all .... a successful trip to the 'dam.
Only one real hiccup along the way.... SAS, or the people who do the buggage handling for them, managed to lose half of Maud's pram. So an hour was spent filling in forms and finding a replacement buggy from the huge stock pile in lost property.
With transport for Maud sorted it was time to hop on the train heading to Amsterdam, a couple of minutes into the journey and some bod from Schiphol airport phones to say that they have in fact located the second part of our pram.....Doh!
They duly delivered to out door a few hours later.


Next morning it's snowtime...Pah! I thought i would be getting away from the horrid white stuff.

  Posted by Picasa

Home from home

The apartment we rented wasn't too far from the centre and was in a quiet part of town.
Maud enjoyed her bath just as much as she does at home.

Maud tries out a bit of sleep crawling, yes really.

Getting the pram up the narrowest, steepest stairs known to man was a bit of a pain in the bum, but manageable....just.


The trip home and Maud falls asleep on the train form the airport to Oslo...too much late night partying in the 'dam really takes it out of you. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

The Times They Are a-Changin'

  • Fewer blog posts recently due to the fact that Maud no longer wishes to sleep much in the mornings anymore which in turn means less (no) time for me to do stuff i used to.
    When she does sleep at home in her cot she insists on getting her head either under the duvet, under the cot edging (which i am reliably informed is called a bumper) or both.

    I was going to tell you that there hasn't been too much news recently but it really is amazing how times change. In the beginning, so to speak, we were all amazed at the little things Maud could do, like smile or move her arms or something and i would bore you all with endless details on the blog. Fast forward almost a year and Maud can do loads of new stuff, like point to her own nose or ears or go and find her slippers when you ask her.
    What once was super blog worthy news is becomming everyday life.

    Sleeping how she likes it best.

    Maud's collection of toys is growing rapidly and i was tired of a toy strewn living room. With her first birthday rapidly approaching too i can only see it expanding further so i invested some of my 'ahem' hard earned cash in some toy boxes which only just managed to swallow the toys she already has. Puh.
    Maybe i'll buy her another one for her birthday. How lucky is she?

    And here is Maud's new favourite expression *the frown*
    This appears to have many uses for Maud including among others:
    gimme more food
    i don't want any more food
    what are you talking about i don't understand
    i understand but i'm not doing it
    this is fun

The other news is that we are off to Amsterdam on Wednesday back on Saturday. Couldn't resist as we had some bonus points to use and Scandinavian airlines had some spcial offers on. I may be able to blog i may not we'll see.
decided to rent an apartment so we will be staying here Posted by Picasa