The flat that has been our home for the last 8 years and 6 months will soon be up for sale, and we had to get it presentable so that mr and mrs potential buyer don't get put off by smelly nappies and the such. So here it is for the whole world to see - our flat.
So if you just happen to know of anybody on the lookout for a top floor flat 15 minutes walk from the centre of Oslo, this is the place. Come on down.
I hate this kind of thing really, presenting the place where nobody except the most crazed minimalist could function, everybody knows that it is all just some big show, but if it gets me more money in my sweaty little hands i'm in.
Still erasing every last trace of Mauds existence just for the satisfaction of others doesn't sit well in my head, but the market dictates what needs to be be it.

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