Time is a whizzin' by as usual, plenty to be thinking about atm. We get the keys to the new flat next tuesday so we've been filling our time with estate agent meetings and bank loan arrangements. Unfortunately we have hit a bad time to be selling, the market has pretty much stopped up compared to how it has been the last 5 years or so. We do however have a sought after location so that will probably ensure that we pull through without dropping the price too much. Pretty manic selling process compared to that of the UK, not unusual that flats like ours go on the market and 7 days later it's all done and dusted, certainly was like this when we bought.
Pireus the cat has been living on borrowed time in recent months we are really unable to take him with us when we move so we have been hoping to find someone willing to adopt him just like we did 8 years ago, but who wants a 12 year old poorly cat?
Luckily one of our neighbours has saved his skin, for the time being at least. He has now been in his new home for a little over a week and seems to be doing OK. We still get him popping in for a visit every now and again but when he is unable to find his food, water, bed or litter tray he slowly seems to be getting the idea that he doesn't live here anymore.
Of course we still manage to find a bit of time for cuddly old Maud ;-)
As usual i'm playing catch up on the blogging of photos - here are some from Mauds Easter hols.
Maud the piano teacher

Telly addicts, Nora and Maud get sucked into TV world.

That's my girl, at the wheel of a classic car.

Cold easter weather calls for extreme measures.

Maud and her cousins tuck in, maybe next year Maud will have grown into her balaclava.