Enjoyed herself enormously except when everybody sang happy birthday which didn't quite seem so fun.
Now i used to hate it when my parents did this to me....dress me up in some fancy togs and then utter the dreaded words....
'just stand over there by the table / chair / or whatever and smile for a photo'
It can't be helped i tell you - i didn't realise i'd done it until i saw the photo and then it dawned, i never smiled when asked to perform this duty either.
So expect plenty more of these in the coming years, it's my right as her dad to put her through it each and every year.
Waiting for the guests to arrive is always the worst bit, just time to get a healthy dose of fruit before the cake fest begins.
Couldn't to even wait to get into the living room before opening the first present, eagerly aided by Oscar.
Maud and Kristiana get away from the crowds to open another.
One thing i notice in this photo is Maud's super slow growing hair, she and Kristiana were born a few days apart. Maud made it to her second birthday without ever having her hair cut, apparently her auntie Sarah had the same problem... HA!
people opening and closing their cake holes.
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