Tuesday, 14 November 2006


So after and nosh down at a hotel in the center of Kristiansand it was time to head back to Trond and Jannes and eat more cake...which sadly i didn't have time to photograph. In between eating and sleeping, of which she did lots of both, Maud managed to catch up with nearly everyone at the party too.

Maud and oldemor Henny.
Maud and Great Auntie Hildur

Brit and Egil with their grandchildren.

Any of you wondering what Egil has done to his hand?
Well he had corrective surgery (again) for Dupuytren's contracture a disease that seems to affect people more in Scandinavian countries, although you might well know that both Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan suffered from it too. Exclusive company indeed. Posted by Picasa

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