Maud celebrated 6 months free from the umbilical cord yesterday and marked the occassion by showing us a new trick, sitting unaided.
Admittedly it only lasts for about 30 seconds and involves a lot of arm waggling, now whether this is due to excitement or as a balancing aid i'm not sure, but eventually the inevitable happens and gravity does its thing.
Still this is the breakthrough Maud 'nosey parker' has been waiting for, and now the only way really is up.
Maud also managed to guzzle down a 295ml (10fl oz) bottle before bedtime tonight so this sitting thing is either hard work or that gravity thing is doing its stuff again.

Sitting is fun, but lying down and kicking your legs is not a skill to be forgotten either.

It must be getting close to winter now as the polar bears have begun hanging round the shopping centres again. Luckily i was able to fight this one off before he made off with Mauds pram.

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