Sunday, 13 November 2011

Baldilocks III

Not been much blogging action recently, but that isn't say there hasn't been action here, big plans are afoot for 2012 so this coupled with plenty to keep us occupied on the child front means little time for anything else, i've even had to sell a car.
So it is about time for some catch up pictures and videos, hot off the press, so this is actually how he looks as of an hour ago.

Seems like Brand has the Conibear 'no hair' gene too, the little fluff he did have is long since donated to his bed sheet, gives him that real hard man look, don't you think.





Bodypopping, is there still such a thing? All the rage when i were a lad you know, i think, maybe.
Brand seems to have quite a knack for it. Just needs to work on his breathing.

He also has a knack for stuffing his hand in his motuth too.