Sunday, 13 November 2011

Baldilocks III

Not been much blogging action recently, but that isn't say there hasn't been action here, big plans are afoot for 2012 so this coupled with plenty to keep us occupied on the child front means little time for anything else, i've even had to sell a car.
So it is about time for some catch up pictures and videos, hot off the press, so this is actually how he looks as of an hour ago.

Seems like Brand has the Conibear 'no hair' gene too, the little fluff he did have is long since donated to his bed sheet, gives him that real hard man look, don't you think.





Bodypopping, is there still such a thing? All the rage when i were a lad you know, i think, maybe.
Brand seems to have quite a knack for it. Just needs to work on his breathing.

He also has a knack for stuffing his hand in his motuth too.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Brand Henry Tjorteland Conibear

So his name is finally decided.

Brand Henry Tjorteland Conibear

No not a common name here either, for any great reference point you are going to have to think of Ibsen's Brand

silent 'd', btw.

Henry after Silje's maternal grandfather.

Brand considers how much of a hassle spelling his name to everybody, forever, is actuallly going to be.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Beware of the carrots

Maud discovered that when eating raw carrots with loose teeth there can only be one outcome.
Time for the tooth fairy to visit for the second time in a week.

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Saturday, 8 October 2011

Critical mass and other happenings

Henny's hair, finally after a marathon 3 years and 2 months, has reached critical mass. Instead of walking round with it sticking out all over the place it falls, almost neatly, unders its own weight. Still not had it cut, that will be the next milestone.



another loss for Maud...


again a bit on the early side but the first front tooth has gone, the second is flapping about in the wind, so will follow shortly.



He hasn't either teeth or hair, so doesn't care.

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Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Nut I, II and III

Difficult to compare as they we all born at different stages both early and late and of course the pictures take at different stages.
It would also appear that most of my early pictures of Maud are pretty out of focus, thankfully me and my camera did have some moments of clarity (and maybe digital cameras have become even more idiot proof too)
So here for a rough comparison. I, II and III




Up to date, for the moment.

So some up to date pictures take in a lull after a day at nursery for the girls, a day at work for me, a day being a baby for Lillebror aka. Jr. no name.

A lillte brother is quite exciting....

but Nintendo is more exciting.

Kids in vests hang out, Maud has her appearances to keep.

Facebook meh, Milkface is where it's at.

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hectic a go go

So what have we actually managed to do in his first 3 weeks, really?
Well he has of course eaten, slept and pooped a lot, had visits from Mormor and Morfor and Grandma, bothered his sisters by crying while they are trying to watch TV, kept us awake at nights, kept us busy during the days.

Not so often this photo opportunity comes around., and everybody sits still long enough for it to be taken.


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Wednesday, 28 September 2011

It had to happen

No words required.


although i must just say that it wasn't much to do with me, Grandma bought him the kit, and his mother and big sister wanted him to try it on. So i got my way without actually doing anything at all. Shame i'll been an even older old giffer by the time he wants me to come out a play footy with him.

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Tuesday, 20 September 2011


More kids = even less time to blog, or do anything else at all really.
so here is some catchup photos and info.

Still no mane for the poor little fella, at least he has a home eh.
Birth weight 4.212 kg
Length 53 cm
Head circumference 38cm

no prizes for guessing who made this snazzy outfit fot him. Here modelled on the way home from the hospital a couple of weeks ago.



Riverdance, anybody?




The first weigh in by the district nurse


some of the few boy coloured clothes we have.

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