Friday, 28 May 2010


The faceplant, a nasty trick of gravity if ever there was one.
One moment you're going about your business the next some part of your face is saying hello to something hard and totally unforgiving. Quite distressing when you're a grown up, even more so when your not even two.

Henny found the hardest granit kerbstone at nursery and duly faceplanted - teeth first. Ouch.

Typically i was in Gothenburg planning how i'd like to arrange my bits and bytes for the next threes years while all this happened.

The dentist took pictures, no damage to the roots, but the teeth are mighty wobbly, chipped and sticking out a bit funny. Looking a bit better today, althought the top lip and gum are still swollen.
The patient is super upbeat and not complaining at all she even allowed me to take a quick photo or two tonight.

One silver lining on the cloud is that it gives us a reason (dentists orders) to not let her have her dummy in bed anymore. Now this she has complained about, going cold turkey after many months of dummy abuse ain't easy.

Another appointment with the dentist on thursday and were hoping she's going to tell us that they have reseated themselves. Cross your fingers.

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Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Hotdogs and ice cream day

So that day rolled round once again and it was time for the national day, and Auntie Sarahs Birthday! A day off work and the chance to eat hotdogs and ice cream.
Mrs. I&I put on a lavish spread for bruch and we invited some bods, Ingeborg (mauds best friend from nursery)and mer mum Tone, another Tone with her man Frode and boys Jens and Mikkel.
So the girls were all set for a spot of brunch and seated themselves early.

and then regretted the wait.

When it arrived we had some happy campers.

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I scream, you scream...

Henny pretty much skipped the lunchtime snooze and headed off for to seek out that ice cream we promised her

Henny's patented ice cream divining rod

I spy Maud, Henny and Jens, all busy making a mess.

I think gramdma has a few pictures of me with this exact same beard.

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round 2

Ice cream number two for Ingeborg.

I think Jens was asked to eat a hot dog before hed got another ice cream.

Ice cream nuber two for Maud, blimey are we crazy parents or what.

Live with waffle number one, i think.

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