Sunday, 12 December 2010

Next stop....

Christmas. Not quite panic stations yet, i don't do panic stations anymore anyway, but Christmas is coming and we, for the first time in our lives will be staying in Oslo AND hosting Christmas since silje will have to work over the (what should be) holidays.
Our known style of not really ever doing anything until the last possible minute is in evidence again this year too and with next weekend already booked for other stuff this is our last chance to get things finished. So silje has been busy in the kitchen making Christmas foods and i stay out of the way and do other things.

Vegetarians look away now....


vegetarian safe (as far as i know) baking

even gluten free too.

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Jumping in their long johns

We pack them off to nursery all wrapped up in thier long johns but when they get home the top layer of clothes often gets removed for heat loss purposes, the result is very unflattering but they don't seem to care in the slightest.

Big bed

The Christmas visit of G&T also gives us an excuse to upgrade Henny's sleeping arrangements so that G'ma no longer has to put up with a camp bed when she stays. A proper bed.

Maud provides the muscle and lifts Henny in to the new world of big bedness.

Looking at the pictures now i must admit that her room looks a bit like a prison cell but that because it was a quick switcheroo, out with the cot juggle the furniture around and shove the bed in. The details come later, maybe.
Anyway we'll push her breakfast of bread and water under the door at 5:30 sharp.
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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Long cold one.....

and unfortunately it's not beer, looking bleak for the rest of the week. Hope it won't be like this until february.

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Friday, 26 November 2010


So my blogging is flagging, dunno why really, sometimes it's just the way it is.... so excuse no.1 we have been away on a short getaway to Prague. With team nutster safely packaged off to Ff we had our first no kids break for a few years.
Plenty to see in Prague and easy to walk almost anywhere you want to go which suits us fine. Not as cheap as it used to be but there are still good places to eat for reasonable money. Can't imagine what it would like to be to go there in the summer though it was touristy enough in the middle of October.

TV mast with giant babies crawling up it

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Really not much to report, life has been ticking over in the usual modern time crisis style blur.
Henny has been falling around like one of the three stooges as usual resulting in another cartoon style forehead lump. Placed in EXACTLY the same place as last time, you can even see the scar from the recent head split in the middle of the lump. She must have a heavy point just there.


The snow has arrived early this year and it is C-O-L-D.



Maud tests her face elasticity, luckily it all went back to where it should.

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The nutsters zedding it hard.
Henny doesn't move after being tucked in like a Egyptian mummy, and is asleep in about 2 minutes, Maud wriggles around like an earthworm on acid until she also makes a date with the sandman.

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Sunday, 3 October 2010

Team nutster

Team nutster getting ready for the autumn and winter.

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Sunday, 26 September 2010

Sleep eater

Summer saw the end of sleeping during the daytime for Henny so the late afternoon can sometime be a trip down struggle street and she isn't always able to last the distance.

Or is it the way she eats? maybe she only has herself to blame, eating up all the exciting stuff first and being left with the boring boring pasta, so boring it sends her to sleep?

Monday, 20 September 2010

true love??

A visit fom Martinus and family over the weekend gave Maud a chance to do some catchup.
Always straight back into the swing of things whener they meet up.

They do sometime have to spend time with the smaller ones though, just to cramp their style.

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Been a huge lull in blogging recently, so i have to do some unblogg type of thing and do a micro-recap. G&T with guest appearance by the Auntie Sarah at the end of August.

Never mind doing up the buttons check out my clown feet Nora Batty tights.

Always willing to get some quality tme with Auntie and uncle with the added bonus of getting away from her parents.

Henny impresses auntie sarah with her erm... mePad.

but then uncle tim ups the ante, so to speak, and impresses Henny with his iPhone.

So if i do this....

you now have snot on your screen. haha.

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the main attraction

It has to be said though that Grandma is the the top attraction and never gets a moment to relax from playing games, reading books, cleaning teeth etc etc.

Activity time hosted by G'ma

What else to say, one very pround Grandma.

Henny tells her 'why did the chicken cross the road?' joke. Seems to get Maud every time.

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Wednesday, 18 August 2010

head splitter

After falling out of the nappy box boat you may have thought that henny would be a bit more careful, sadly no, a few days later this is what you get for playing rough.
Henny should maybe consider wearing protective head gear all year round. There was a slight mishap while playing with her big sister.
A comedy Tom and Jerry style bump with open wound. Hardly life threatening but it needed a quick repair.

Luckily they were at home with captain I&I the best mechanical engineer in the house.
So a suitable fix was made.

you will have to excuse the last two pictures which were taken with my phone :-(

still all patched up and not many tears shed.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

to sea in a carboard boat

Nappy box boat was played with for a good couple of hours, until it capsized and a passenger was mildly injured.

Lip balm is important out on the ocean. Henny forgot hers.

hmmm soft lips, go on give us some.

Sunglasses are also important when out sailing on a sunny day. Henny forgot hers.

Maud gives us the hollywood wife yacht cruise pose while Henny laments her lack of...., well all necessary equipment. She would later also regret not wearing a helmet.

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