Saturday, 26 December 2009

Christmas 2009

Jul 2009
One of the whitest christmas holidays for quite a few years here in Ff, only a quick trip here for us this years as we have to be back at work again on monday, still here a quick peek at what we have done.

First thing first Maud and Henny see if there are any presents with their names on.

tons of snow also means tons of outdoor time too.

Maud in her finery ready for the mad scramble that is present opening.

december 25th and its snowing...lots.

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Scary Santa

Trying to get this lot to stand still more than about 0.5 seconds is pretty much the impossible task, Maud and Nora aren't so bad but Henny and Henrik have bad cases of ants in the pants. So this is the bet shot there is.

Quite unbelievably santa managed to visit us too, Henny was too shocked to move.

It all turned out all right though, small girls and pink dollies are a good combo.

Guess who got a new jacket for Christmas

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Pink of course

And what did Maud get for Christmas, well the main attraction of outdoor stuff was without doubt and bright pink pair of skis and matching ski boots, I don't think Henny is convinced that that fashion will ever catch on.

lucky that we had plenty of snow so she could try 'em out

All padded up and ready for take off. Luckily Maud has inherited the Norwegian ski gene from here mother and is a true natural.

Refreshments courtesy of Mormor

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No 'L' plates required

Got to say that i'm mightly impressed, not that i know anything about skiing, but i know that my first attempt wasn't anything like as controlled as this.

Mr Fearless

It's really no woder that Henrik has been a visitor to casualty more that once during his first 4 years, the boy is pretty much ready to try anything that involves danger.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Downhill - nut nr.2

Henny like her sister before her loves a bit of sledging.

find a slope, strap her in, push her off, real simple fun.

Check out Martinus' new house in the background at the top of the hill.

Henny is now a full time walker too, and almost a talker. Has a few words bust mostly just babble, but the big breakthrough is that she can now let us know when she has a dirty nappy.
She tries saying 'bæsj' (a kids word for, well google it or something) but this comes out as 'dash'.

Which brings a whole new meaning to 'I really must dash darling'

Getting a Christmas tree....

Norwegian style.

Now Silje has done this all her life but it's not as easy for us to get down south of Norway for the annual Tjorteland tree chop so this time we paid a visit to Martinus and family to check out their new house, and go and find their tree.
Obviously this is their own land we are chopping from, Martinus' farfar is a farmer so trees aren't really in short supply.
Was a chilly -10 but a nice still crisp day so out we trudged into the woods to find our victims.

Lean over, this won't hurt a bit,... probably. Martinus and his Farfar check out a likely candidate with a big saw.

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tree choppin'

obviously there is always time for a little snack.

Silje and Hans come triumphantly out of the woods with a fine specimen.

Carried through the woods and back to the cars, two trees one for Martinus and his family and one for his grandparents. We were offered one but our car was full of sledges.

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Sunday, 6 December 2009

The waiting is over.....

in more ways than one :-) Suddenly it happened, Henny showed us that she really can walk when she can be bothered and i blogged for the first time in a decade, or something. Admittedly she has been pushing her car around for a long time now but not actually walking unaided, until she finally found out that it might be fun to try it after all.

Have to excuse the background 'noise' but the good bit is Henny suddenly conducting the music half way through her trek round the sofa.

She still isn't a full time walker and resorts to crawling when she wants to get somewhere fast but i think she finds it fun.