Been an actioned packed few weeks what with one thing and another, thrills and spills aplenty, a whole lifetime of events packed into 4 short weeks - which will hopefully be covered fully in blog updates next week when we get home.
Can't really decide whether Henny's first year has gone fast or not, it seems an lifetime away that we were sitting in hospital clutching the hands of a baby covered in tubes, but at the same time still very fresh in the memory.
Still here we are the day she turned one and do i really need to tell you how proud we are of her, no probably not.
Time to get to grips with birthday present opening, plenty of help is at hand for this task of course as Maud, a veteran of 3 of her own birthdays, knows how things are done.
What!? Pull the ribbon as hard as i can and rip the paper into tiny little pieces, like this?
Maybe some more practice and expert guidance is needed after all.
Henny's new toys tested by Maud.
Henny trying not to look too disappointed that her parents bought her shoes for her first birthday.
Disappointment didn't last long she got her party frock on and welcomed her many guests, all of whom very kindly bought presents along too.