Thursday, 18 June 2009

blog problems

Had a few blogger problems yesterday, the old disappearing photos trick again, Henny explains what happened......

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Share and share alike... Not

Think you'll find that those are mine.

Think you'll find that those are mine.

These are mine....

These are mine.

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Why can't you just share, act your age.

Yeah i'm 3, that means you get one in the mush.

Did you see that, did you get it on film? If i could use a phone i'd call my lawyer.

Ahh forget it lets just play dirty, i knew these new teeth would come in handy sometime soon, how would you like a nose job. Grrrrrr.

oops upside your head

Ahhh sleep, find a comfy position and get pushing up those Zzzzz's

Henny, just like her sister, is an amazing sleep fidget.

in the middle of the bed is probably nice and comfy, or tight up in a corner face down, as you like.

Jazz hands across the bed.

cartoon running, lying down style.

Maud is all grown up now and sleeps sensibily.

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This toy saxaphone is rubbish, i can't get anything out of it....

maybe i should be blowing harder..

makes a kinda cool clunking sound on my bonce though.

Yeah it's a spoon, i know.

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