Friday, 29 May 2009

Sticky knees, sticky faces

Well all it needed was for the real hot weather to come along and for us to take her tights and trousers off and hey presto, she can crawl.
Super sticky knees is what you need to give traction and a shiny prize of a mobile phone to give motivation. Giddy up.

Crawl baby crawl from matt on Vimeo.

One of the many beauties of being a baby is being completely oblivious to how you actually look, or smell for that matter, another top attraction must be that you can wee your pants and not care, but that doesn't really make very good blog material.
Henny discovered the world of smoothies today and wasn't going to let the opportunity pass her by without drinking half the glass, you can see where the rest ended up.
Milk moustaches have nothing on this.

Maud fared a little better but then she had a straw to suck it through so how she manged this perfect lipstick look i don't know.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Eat it

After what seems like a long time, but what is in reality probably only a few weeks, Henny is back to eating again and when she starts to eat she can eat, and judging by the arm waving and hand clapping she enjoys it too.
Bit of a non action movie only for the really Henny interested among you -
3 minutes of eating.

Eat it from matt on Vimeo.

Play that funky music

After randomly poking the piano for the last few weeks it suddenly clicked how to start the music playing and the animals moving, now she just can't stop pressing that button.
This must be the loudest toy piano in the world so it now wears a hastily home made mute over the speaker.

Button pusher from matt on Vimeo.

Monday, 18 May 2009

17th of May

A big weekend in Norway, not only an emphatic win in the Eurovision Song Contest but the national day to celebrate the day after, does it get any better than this?
The sun shone, we got dressed up and ate lots of hot dogs and ice cream.
Maud rounded up her friends for the occassion and had a ball, Oliver, Mauds best buddy from nursery, was co-party animal no. 1

A table for the grown ups

and a table for the ever expanding group of kids.

Maud and Oliver dance and play along with the band.

and then decide just watching is equally entertaining.

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Saturday, 16 May 2009

Full steam ahead (almost)

Henny finally engages forward gear, not exactly light speed and not exactly crawling but a good start.
Seems like the camera might be going a bit wonky though makes henny's movements a bit staccato, i'm not very technically minded so it's probably some cogs or wheels inside not turning as they should or some such. Pah.

EDIT: camera wobbles hopefully fixed now.

Forward gear from matt on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Teething troubles

Not easy to persuade Henny to show you her new pegs but these are what the moments of grumpyness have been about recently, some man sized slicers.

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Monday, 4 May 2009

Sticks and stones

Summer temperatures are almost with us so that means a lot more out and about, especially now that we have a, ahem, 'proper car' to scoot around in.

Mauds favourite pastime when we are out, besides eating ice cream, is gathering sticks and stones, if there is water nearby the stones will be gleefully thrown in, a game which can last almost indefinitely. The stick game is more of a mystery,there are obviously plenty of sticks around and there doesn't seem to be a very strict criteria as to which stick will do, anything goes, so we end up with a fine collection of sticks.

Never know when the trusty bucket will come in handy

erm, more sticks and running.

Not mastered crawling yet but, fingers and tippy toes is no problem.

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listen up

Seems to have been a painful few days for Henny now as her upper teeth finnaly make an appearance, still pretty chirpy but sleeping isn't high on the list of things for her to do right now. Luckily eating is still high priority but bit of a chatterbox our Henny, even eating her lunch there are some things that just have to be said, vividly embellished with a bit of clapping every now and then.

Clap and tell from matt on Vimeo.