Enter the age of Henny.
Can't beat simple hard facts, no nonsense, easy too as i feel i have little time to spare the world of I & I atm.
born 27.07.08
weight 3405g
length 50cm
head circumference 34.5cm
Long story short - until I&I can become a part of the routine again.
She was born with a blocked intestine, something which was picked up by an ultrasound during the pregnancy.
This required an operation to fix and this was carried out before she was even a day old.
All successful and the recovery process is now underway, she has come far already.
Not out of the woods by any means but things are looking very good and she is otherwise a strong healthy little baby.
Going to be in hospital for a couple of weeks so updates might be a bit thin on the ground at first... after the homecoming I&I will be up to new baby speed....hopefully.