Since the last update which appears to be sometime during the spring (remember that??) this, amongst other things, has happened. (In no particular order)
We have moved to a new flat.
We have sold our old flat.
Auntie Sarah turned 40.
United have become both Premier League Champions and European Champions.
We have been on holiday.
Maud has been seriously ill.
I have carried a lot of stuff up and down stairs and sworn a lot.
I've slept too little.
I've worked too much.
and Mauds first passport has expired.
Hmm when it's written down like that it really doesn't seem that disappointing.
Still, yes we've moved, not by any means settled in the new place yet as we've been waiting to get our mitts on the money from the other flat before we can buy some essentials like wardrobes and things, but we're getting there slowly but surely.
The biggest most major thing that overshadowed everything else was Mauds sudden illness, scared the bejebes out of us i can tell ya.
She woke up one morning and couldn't stand up by herself - after angst ridden 24 hours we finally got a diagnosis of acute cerebellar ataxia
She seems to have made a full recovery but it was a manic few days which of course just happened to coincide with us getting an offer for the flat.
So what to do with a 2 year old who has just been diagnosed with a neurological disorder, well this is I&I after all, we packed our stuff and jumped on a plane to Manchester of course. (don't worry the doctors OK'd it all first.)
On her hols Maud read alot of books (swotting up on her english)..
read some more
Played at being Police a lot
Wore her sunglasses and met a whole load of family.
Found out that she really, really, really, likes ice cream but really, really, really, doesn't want anything to do with seaweed ever again.