Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Triple header part II - 'sicko'

Maud hasn't been on top form the last week or so, been struggling to shake off a cold and cough, but being incompetent and irresponsible we stuck with the plan for part two of the triple header - a trip to Kristiansand to visit uncle Trond auntie Janne, Nora and Henrick.
Maud and Silje had the luxury of an extra day and set off on the thursday last week, i followed down in the, ahem, Mercedes on the friday.
Uneventful trip down for me apart from almost running out of diesel.
Wasn't so uneventful for Maud as she became more sick as the weekend rolled on. A couple of spectacular throwing up incidents was probably the low point for her. Still she soldiered on and even endured the 4+ hours trip in the car back to Oslo.
(I'm also happy to report that she is now well on the way to recovery, she had the day off nursery yesterday but was back to her normal self today, good job too as Grandma and Uncle tim arrive on friday for part three.)

Maud and Henrick get ready to eat.

A trip to the zoo was probably the highlight for Maud, she seemed pretty astounded that all the funny looking animals she has read about in books for so long do actually exist.

Up close with front end of a pig and the erm back end of a goat.

Maud looking a bit worse for wear on the way home.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Triple header... part I

This weekend saw the first installment of a triple header.
Mormor and morfar popped in, OK took the 6 hour train journey, to visit us for the weekend.
Maud had a super duper cold so wasn't really in the best of health over the weekend but it didn't seem to affect her enjoyment of seeing her grandparents.

Of course it helps with presents too, thank you to a certain Great Auntie and Uncle in Flekkefjord for the present they sent along for Maud, another instant hit.

On Saturday me and Egil took a trip to a car show in Lillestrøm, they just happened to have Queen Maud's car on display... maybe i'll get a Humber for my little Maud one day too, probably not going to be quite as grand as this one though.

Maud always finds time for a quick pose for the camera before bedtime.

Next weekend we're in Kristiansand and the weekend after that Grandma and Uncle Tim fly in, so it's all go in November.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Child labour

Last weekend Silje worked a whole load of hours, double shift on saturday and then sunday day so me and Maud were left to make our own fun - which for me means putting her to work.
The pink wash, of which there is lots, was finished and it needed emptying, enter one willing assistant.
Now this video is 5 minutes long so only for those truly hard core, dedicated Maud fans amongst you.
Watch and learn.

Child labour from matt on Vimeo.