Monday, 6 August 2007

Some work some play

Silje was working over the weekend (again) so it was me and Maud left to fend for ourselves.

Another close up of Maud stuffing her face, how many of these do we have on I&I ?

Early Sunday morning the sun was just about trying to force itself between the clouds and i thought we were in for a rare day of sun, so me and Maud jumped on the bus and headed for the beach. A half hour bus ride followed by a 10 minute walk and we were there, sadly the sun hadn't checked our plan and had headed off in the opposite direction. Pah!
Still we got the beach to ourselves. Hardly surprising at 9:00 on a sunday morning i know.

Small stones and gravel are possibly Maud's most favourite things, so the beach is certainly Maud's idea of a good day out.

Maud is unable to sit still for a half hour bus ride so i decided we would take the ferry back to the city centre, this way i can strap her in the pram :-)

Maud finds the crab i stuffed down the back of her nappy.

As you can see Maud's face is back to it's normal shape again after last weeks mishap, another noteworthy snippet is that Nursery is a big hit, sadly i don't have pictures as obviously i'm not there but during the four days she has been there so far, three of which have been half days, Maud has managed to find her way into the paddling pool fully clothed twice.

Thursday, 2 August 2007


Maud has been gathering battle scars aplenty over the summer, the odd distraction or misjudgement and .....whooops.
This morning her face said a big hello to the wooden floor, and here is the result. Quite a big cut on the inside of her lip, which obviously she wasn't too keen on showing off.
Still raises her ranking a few places down the nursery i bet.

Wednesday, 1 August 2007


The day finally arrived where Maud began nursery and i started back at work full time for the first time in a year, my first day involved me taking half the day off to help Maud settle in her new surroundings. Ha.

Maud scoffs down her porridge ready for the big day.

A 5 minute walk is all it takes..

Maud's coat hook.

Maud certainly enjoyed her first hours of nursery. Only 3 hours today just to let her get used to the idea.
She managed to explore the whole playground and try out some of the equipment on offer.
All in all a very successful taster, so good in fact that i think we'll send her back tomorrow.

Last day with pappa

We had our last full day together on monday and a grim day weather wise it was too, but we went out to the park anyway and had the place pretty much to ourselves.
So my time as a househusband is at an end, sad (as now i have to work full time for a living) but Maud is moving on up to the next step.