Right crew, we have a LOT to get through here so listen up and pay attention.
Back from our holidays (travelthon) which consisted of the usual plane, train and car travel with a little bit of added boat thrown in for good measure, mix in the now customary losing of the pram by Scandinavian Airlines GRRRRrrrrrr... who, this time surpassed themselves by also losing our baby carrier at the same time. GRRRRRrrrr x 2
Avis car hire in Southampton (where uncle Tim drove from) also got in on the act by trying to fob us off with a
tiny car and then a
little less tiny car when we actually ordered a
BIG one, all topped off by sitting in a queue on the M25 for 1½ hours.
So the first day we were traveling / messing about filling in lost luggage claim forms / changing hire cars / sitting in traffic jams / and generally getting messed about for about 12 hours.....Maud kept her cool most of the time but wasn't impressed.
This wasn't the car Maud was expecting...she doesn't look happy about it either.
We had to load up the car and then take it to the main office just outside of the airport, lucky we didn't get the pram after all as we wouldn't have had space.

The Scenic gets ditched (you can just see it in the background) for a super duper big Mondeo estate. Full marks to the manager of Avis at Heathrow, a super quick turn around got us on our way in less than 20 mins.

All aboard in the new wheels and it was lights out for a couple in the group.
See the family resemblance?

We were already late from all the delays so far so the last thing we needed was, after a slight unplanned detour...oops, a queue on the M25. But that is exactly what we got.

Suffice to say that at about 6pm we were ready for a stop, never been so happy to see a Little Chef in my entire life. By this time we were about half way, distance wise, between our start and finish points.
The stop raised Maud's spirits no end, or was it just the sugar rush from the not so high quality dining experience that is Little Chef?