Time....where does it all go?
Been an age since any form of pictorial stuff was posted on I&I, but not so fast, you're going to get off that lightly....there just has to be some waffle too.
Where to begin, you wait for one nursery place to turn up then two come along at once, yes really.
The nursery at Silje's work phoned to confirm a start date of 1st August...so great.
We get home from our Easter hols in flekkfjord to find a letter from the local authority offering us a place in our first choice nursery from 1st August too ....whooowhoooo...erm...OH, but a closer inspection of the letter revealed that we had to reply accepting the place by the 9th April....we arrived home on the 10th...D'oh.
So a sleepless night was spent wondering whether we had lost the place or not......
one phone call very early the next morning revealed that all was well, nobody had taken our place so we're in!
So from 1st August Maud will be starting at
Grünerhagen barnehage which just so happens to be the place where Silje's two best friends work too..Bonus.
and so to our easter hols, the usual circus troop of me, Silje, Maud and Pireus the cat piled onto the train for the 6 hour journey to Flekkefjord.
We had a good few days of sunshine and Maud took this opportunity to decide that sitting in her pram was in fact not for her anymore at all. The outward sleep part of the trip went OK.

but getting out and hiking down the street in your socks is the new thing. Bizzarly we have never actually got round to buying Maud any shoes, slippers she has, shoes she doesn't.

These feet things are great.

I don't recognise who the skinny bald guy in the picture is, anybody help me out here?