Sunday, 22 April 2007

Picasa web albums

Time for some changes here on incompetence and irresponsibility, some layout and content changes are in the pipeline, nothing drastic you understand just a few cosmetic tweaks.
Hopefully get it all re-jigged sometime this week.

Google are now kindly providing web space for my photos too, so here as a little test to see how it works out is the complete set of Maud's passport photos taken last year. (Click on the photo to get to the album)

Maud's passport photos

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Pushers in the park

Pushing a toy car around the flat is soooo yesterdays news......

see Uncle Tim jelly leg in sight.

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Saturday driver

I get this excited about driving my car too.

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Easter 2007

Time....where does it all go?
Been an age since any form of pictorial stuff was posted on I&I, but not so fast, you're going to get off that lightly....there just has to be some waffle too.

Where to begin, you wait for one nursery place to turn up then two come along at once, yes really.
The nursery at Silje's work phoned to confirm a start date of 1st great.
We get home from our Easter hols in flekkfjord to find a letter from the local authority offering us a place in our first choice nursery from 1st August too ....whooowhoooo...erm...OH, but a closer inspection of the letter revealed that we had to reply accepting the place by the 9th April....we arrived home on the 10th...D'oh.
So a sleepless night was spent wondering whether we had lost the place or not......
one phone call very early the next morning revealed that all was well, nobody had taken our place so we're in!
So from 1st August Maud will be starting at Grünerhagen barnehage which just so happens to be the place where Silje's two best friends work too..Bonus.

and so to our easter hols, the usual circus troop of me, Silje, Maud and Pireus the cat piled onto the train for the 6 hour journey to Flekkefjord.
We had a good few days of sunshine and Maud took this opportunity to decide that sitting in her pram was in fact not for her anymore at all. The outward sleep part of the trip went OK.

but getting out and hiking down the street in your socks is the new thing. Bizzarly we have never actually got round to buying Maud any shoes, slippers she has, shoes she doesn't.

These feet things are great.

I don't recognise who the skinny bald guy in the picture is, anybody help me out here?

New shoes

Mauds new hobby required that we invested in her very first pair of proper shoes.
How many of you have pictures of yourself getting your feet measured for your first pair of shoes?

New shoes mean she has to stand up a lot more.

Maud discovers that eating the peel of an orange is nowhere near as enjoyable as eating the soft bit inside.
The new huge shoes do their stuff and hold her upright.


I think this maybe Maud's first go on a swing all by herself too, did she enjoy it?


She can't expect to walk everywhere though so it's fortunate she loves being in the baby carrier and a trip to flekkefjord wouldn't be complete without a walk in the woods.

Nora and Henrik are glad of a rest but Maud just wants to know when we can get walking again.

Shooting weekend

OK so not quite in line with what the Windsor family get up to but Easter means getting together with the family from Morfar Egil's side.

What can i say about this?!
Silje usual dress style goes AWOL and the shooting stance just looks painful to me.


Woke up on Sunday morning to find the sun replaced by snow.

Maud took the opportunity to try on some sunglasses to make sure she didn't suffer snow blindness.

Thinderbirds are go

Going home

With the holiday over it was time for us all to pile back on the train again.
after 4 hours on the train and with the prospect of 2 more to go me and Maud had a who can look the most bored contest.

Luckily for us the weight of Mauds giant shoes kept her feet firmly planted in the seat

Refreshment time and Maud learns how to use a straw.

Thursday, 5 April 2007


Currently away on our Easter hols in Flekkefjord, i was going to blog before we left Oslo on the 30 March but we are still having big problems with our internet connection so alas i couldn't. Won't be back in Oslo until the 12th April and i'm not even going to attempt to post pictures using dial up. Good news on this front though as Maud's Morfar has ordered the installation of a fast internet connection at Tjorteland Towers so next time we are here i will be able to keep you all up to date.....happy now?
Big developments in Maud's world....she now, finally, has 8 teeth, can stand up all by herself and take half a step uaided and has also perfected the art of blowing kisses to people when she is saying goodbye.

Pictures and video to come when we get back to civilisation.