It seems like Lunch with Maud - The movie is an overnight success.
I was however very disappointed with the quality of the videos posted
yesterday, the technical aspect you understand not Mauds acting skills or my direction and production abilities, the originals really are much better quality.
So, after a bit of poking around on the good old internet i find out that it is the way YouTube encode the videos that causes this loss in quality.
The search was on for an alternative..........Vimeo anybody?
Look at this and compare it to yesterdays video.....night and day or what.
Unfortunately Vimeo have a weekly upload limit of 30megs, now this should be enough for my usual short clips but any sequels to 'Lunch with Maud' will either have to be compressed and encoded before i upload them, and i'm not really sure how this will affect the quality, or stick with YouTube.
Maud goes around on