Wednesday, 27 September 2006


Although still not 100% fighting fit a lot of the snot in Maud's body has now been replaced with little bouncing baby beans again... she was well enough to take a trip out to the sea front and laugh at the seagulls.

Maybe i can reclaim my place in the bed tonight too.


I'm still not well you know. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, 26 September 2006


no not the weather but Maud. Poor little Maud has managed to catch a cold during the weekend so she's not her usual chipper self at the minute, she even gets to sleep in mum and dads bed at night while dad gets to sleep on the dining room floor.

here she is just before she got filled up with snot.

  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, 23 September 2006


It's been a while since Maud saw Mormor and Morfar from Flekkefjord, in fact it was way back in July while i was putting the kitchen in....remember that?? So long ago infact that it took a couple of minutes before she was sure they were who they said they were.

Are you sure we know these people?

but she was soon back in the swing of things and playing around with Morfar on the floor.

this is fun, what shall we do next?

There was no next as Maud lost her play mate due to fatigue......
Egil, caught sleeping on the job. tut tut. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, 19 September 2006

Mrs plum in the kitchen with a spoon

Well here we have it, i've found a Maud favourite.
Stewed and pureed plums.
It may look like she is wearing lipstick but no, thats her food.

If you watch carefully you'll see a sneaky spoonful of yesterdays pear make an appearance.....Maud didn't see it coming.

Monday, 18 September 2006

The old switcheroo

I seem to spend a good part of the morning preparing food for Maud in the quest to find something that she likes and is prepared to open her mouth for. It also helps if she swallows the food and doesn't let it dribble out slowly hoping i wont notice.

She has aquired the taste for water recently and will happily accept her spout cup so this has since been utilised as a decoy to get the food in too.
It may look a bit devious but it's either this or spend 2 hours trying to get her to open her mouth.

Today i set the the camera on the tripod on the kitchen table and let it run.

and no i'm not feeding her chopped chilli pepper or anything this is freshly stewed pear....i think there might be a career in acting for my little Maud.

Saturday, 16 September 2006


How such a simple task can turn into an epic session of grimacing, laughing and fake coughing is truly amazing. Maud is willing to put almost anyting in her mouth except food.

Maud doesn't like being filmed while she isn't eating.
Don't take pictures of me.
Maud dodges another low flying deadly missile of baby food in true matrix fashion.
Help! i've been hit Posted by Picasa

food 2

the missile got me and i'm gonna die routine.

don't fall for it she's acting silly.
Ooo. i'm still alive...just.
ground zero.....missile impact site
OK you got me with that one, but just try getting any more in my mouth.
It's sealed shut ....see. Posted by Picasa

Fun while it lasted

Well a sad day for me today and quite amazingly a day where responsibility won (or should that be triumphed) over irresponsibilty. I went to the classic car show / autojumble today, the same one as we went to in may.
I went on my own this time as i wanted to drive the Triumph up there to see what kind of reaction i would get if i put a for sale sign in the window and left it in the car park.......well.......... i really wasn't expecting anything to happen, but,
it didn't take long for the first phone call and 6 hours later the deal was done and the car gone.
On the bright side i managed to get the asking price which meant twice what i paid for it, although i have spent, erm, lets say, a fair bit of cash and many hours to get it roadworthy.
In the end i just didn't have enough time for it, either Maud had to go or the car did, pesky kids.

  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, 14 September 2006

Decision time

I gave Maud the chance to decide which way we should walk next...

you're asking me...great.
straight ahead...
umm... no, right.....
no, i think maybe left. Posted by Picasa

....... thinking

Hmmm, no can i change my mind again?


i think sort of over there ....right ....ish
yes lets go that way.

So we went that way..and it was rubbish...i'm not asking her again Posted by Picasa

Sunday, 10 September 2006

Maud in the middle

The girls went out while i stayed at home a recommenced battle in the kitchen.
The tiles have now been bought so we may even have it all finished in time for the visit of auntie sarah in october.

Anyhow Maud sat and discussed fashion trends with Helene and Ingvill.

sipped from her coffee chaser.......
and then downed her milk. Posted by Picasa


After being on hunger strike for a week Maud suddenly rediscovered the art of eating from a spoon.
Must have been the shock of seeing her melted bottles that got her back into the groove.

Incompetence and ......

Well it had to happen, well it didn't have to happen ....but it did. A mind-numbingly incomprehensible act of incompetence on my part.

We use a bottle steriliser that you put in the microwave and of course for this to work you need to add water, well just this once i didn't.....Oh...erm.... Doh!
needless to say the bottles didn't survive their grilling without a few minor blemishes. is the result after 8 minutes on full power....a work of art don't ya think?

Maud inspects the damage to her life support system, what once was four is now one. Probably great if we had quadruplets...but we don't.
you are a dumbass. Posted by Picasa

the price to pay

It really takes ages to feed her out of a glass too.

Luckily the beauty of living in the centre of town is that i could leg it down the supermarket at the end of the street at 8am and secure a brand new set of drinking equipment for Maud... i was £30 poorer than when i went out but that's the price of stupidity. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, 6 September 2006

tooth becomes teeth

Maud finally added another tooth to her collection and now has two....but you can only just see it. Almost enough for a proper toothy smile ....almost.

Unfortunately after a good start Maud has now decided that eating from a spoon is not for her afterall and no longer opens her mouth for anything other than her bottle, so she really has no need for teeth anyway.

  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, 3 September 2006


Maud seems to have this sitting business sorted now, she even manages to beat up Canadian monkey without falling over.
Don't worry about the monkey he is OK, he probably deserved it anyway.