Friday, 29 December 2006


Christmas dinner. Is there anything better than a home cooked Christmas dinner?
We timed it to perfection....Maud slept, we ate.

The trouble with being all grown up is that the dishes have to be done too, gone are the days when i could happily wander off to play with my presents and leave the washing up to somebody else. Pah. Posted by Picasa

Wrapping paper

Maud was allowed first dig into the present pile under the tree and found that wrapping paper and sticky stars were the thing to have.

Uncle Tim played Santa this year and Maud started to get worried that there weren't any pressies for her.

She needn't have worried, there were of course lots with her name on.
Maud gets acquainted with the newest addition to her cuddly toy gang.
and of course if there's toys to be played with i'm going to get in on the act too. Posted by Picasa

Monday, 25 December 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody!

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Thursday, 21 December 2006

Green Christmas

No, Maud hasn't gone all environmentally friendly but she has rather unfortunately managed to catch herself another cold, this time with an added side order of sore throat and cough. Uffff.

Not the best flight we have had over from Oslo to Manchester, Maud was far from happy about having to sit in one place for almost 2 hours, but she finally succumbed to tiredness and fell asleep.....10 seconds before we landed. Doh.
So all the travelling and meeting of different people in the last week has taken it's toll on poor little Maud, she still enjoys playing with all the toys here at grandma's house but eating, drinking and sleeping are not on her list of favourite activities at the moment, hopefully things can only get better.

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Thursday, 14 December 2006

Christmas hols

Off on our Christmas hols tomorrow.
We, the travelling circus, take the early 07:11 train (!!) down to Silje's parents in Flekkefjord, we will back in Oslo the 19th and then it's off to Manchester on the 20th so probably no new installments of Incompetence and irresposibility until we arrive in England.

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Michelin man

It's always difficult to know just how many layers of clothing babies need in winter.
As we don't have a car we spend lots of time walking everywhere so you need to know that she is going to be warm enough throughout the whole trip.

If they can't manage to get their arms down by their sides even when sleeping then that in my book = warm enough.
I'm not sure whether she passed out from overheating or just fell asleep.



Inside, without all the layers.

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Sunday, 10 December 2006

Oh happy day

Me and and Maud were very happy reds yesterday, a 3-1 win over the bitter blues from the wrong side of Manchester always makes for a enjoyable saturday.

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Wrong side

Maud and Pireus the cat have one thing in common that is they always seem to find themsleves on the wrong side (in their view) of a closed door.

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Another thing Maud and Pireus have in common is their love of food.
Pireus is ever on the look out for any scraps that may come his way.

Are you going to eat that piece there?
Me.... eyeing up your food....never.


Mmmmmmm....I do like paté though. Posted by Picasa

Friday, 8 December 2006

Take II

It seems like Lunch with Maud - The movie is an overnight success.
I was however very disappointed with the quality of the videos posted yesterday, the technical aspect you understand not Mauds acting skills or my direction and production abilities, the originals really are much better quality.
So, after a bit of poking around on the good old internet i find out that it is the way YouTube encode the videos that causes this loss in quality.
The search was on for an alternative..........Vimeo anybody?

Look at this and compare it to yesterdays video.....night and day or what.

Unfortunately Vimeo have a weekly upload limit of 30megs, now this should be enough for my usual short clips but any sequels to 'Lunch with Maud' will either have to be compressed and encoded before i upload them, and i'm not really sure how this will affect the quality, or stick with YouTube.

Maud goes around on Vimeo

Thursday, 7 December 2006

Lunch with Maud - The movie

Anybody want to see the directors cut?

Live and learn

Once she gets her sights set on something she is almost unstoppable. There may have been a few distractions along the way but she never forgot what she was aiming for.

Now although she thought that going over the top was a whole load of fun (she did this quite a few times) she soon realised that going around would achieve the same result without all the hassle.

Before and after

Hot off the digital camera. These two photos of Maud were taken minutes ago.
The quietest part of my day, time for a shower, some breakfast, bit of tidying up and if i get time some blogging before she wakes up again.

Look in to my eyes, you are feeling sleepy...oh yes you are.
and lights out. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, 6 December 2006

Away day

A trip out to go and play with her best friend Kristiane.
It's not easy to get a shot of both of them that is in focus as they are constantly on the move and as always somebody elses stuff is much more interesting than your own.

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A bath a day

No matter what kind of day Maud has had she always really enjoys her bath especially if it means she gets to suck all the bath water from her face cloth...yummy.

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Monday, 27 November 2006

Bad habit

Hmmm, getting to be a bit of a bad habit this. I always seem to be playing catch up with blog entries these days, i honestly thought that a teeny tiny little baby would be more work than a 9 month old but that just aint the case, Maud is no longer happy with amusing herself as much as she was and she moves around so fast these days that i can't turn my back for a second and it's this which causes the blogging backlog.
So what else is new around here...

Competition for cuddle time with Silje is becoming a bit of a battle between Pireus and Maud now and neither is particularly willing to give way.


It's rained and rained the last few days so much in fact that the river through the city has burst its banks in a few places. The ducks don't seem to mind though.

In anticipation of high waters Maud donned her diving helmet.


Luckily we were safe up on the fourth floor so Maud got back to chewing her book. Posted by Picasa