Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Endless summer

When the kids are all grown up and reminisce about how the summers were always better when they were kids, sunny everyday and endless, they might even be telling the truth. Summer 2014, the longest, hottest bestest summer there ever was, probably.
Been as busy as ever for us poor old parents though, the kids get to enjoy all the visits as the visitors are actually there to look after them.

G'ma teaching them the way of the religion according to 'pad

Little chump deciding which sand castle to stamp on next.

Lahlum family visit, we exhausted ourselves on the fairly wonderful flekkefjordbanen.

Fishing for crabs, a very popular and addictive pastime, they managed to catch a whole bucket using a bit of old nylon cord found on the beach and a handful of mussels. They would have stayed there all day if they'd had their way.

On the short walk home from the beach we bumped in to Mrs. Hedgehog and three hedgehoglets, she wasn't so keen on having a camera stuck in her snout but one little hoglet was.

A different day, a different beach, same sun, just even hotter. 20 degrees in the sea. Happy days.  All this and i've not even started my holidays yet, one more week of work to go. Then the sun will disappear.

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