Thursday, 8 July 2010

Health update, the pox?

HH's teeth seem to have jiggled themselves back into position over the last few weeks, probably helped by the dummy sucking ban too, and now look like this, slightly chipped and a little bit wonky but firmly stuck in place.

The next on the list is the Maudster. Her best friend in nursery came out with chicken pox symptoms (vannkopper, to you Norwegians) about two weeks ago, so two weeks down the line it was only natural that Maud starts too.... is this the beginning of chickenpox, i think it just might be. Spots and cold / flu like symptoms.... Hmmm 3 days before they were due to go on holiday. Wonderful.


Tim said...

Oh deary dear... poor Maudster. Nasty Varicella zosta virus if that's what it is... I suppose this is my territory now! I test for all these nasties at work these days. Unfortunately unless your doctor is going to rx acyclovir 5 x daily then not much else will help other than calamine lotion and porridge baths.
Hope its not too bad! Big hugs and lots of love from Uncle Tim x x x

Sarah said...

you did the very same thing when we went to G and G's in Nefyn. You had to spend the week in a darkened room ...hehehe. Poor baby Matty